Business Analysis and Plan at Alert Level 3 - April 13 2020

Our businesses need to be ready for changes in the Government Alert Levels.  Use this practical guide to help you understand the kinds of questions you need to ask and preparation you may need to do to be operational at Alert Level 3

Want a copy in Word?  Email us at and just ask, we're happy to help.

Business Analysis and Plan at Alert Level 4 - April 13 2020

We're at Alert Level 4 and this may change on April 22nd, and it may not.   

Use this practical guide to help you analyse your business situation at Alert Level 4, identify any business opportunities, operate all or some of your business (whether you're an essential service business or not), and understand what your operating plan needs to be for your people if you are running an essential service.  

Also see our Alert Level 3 planner to get yourself, your business and your people ready for change.

Want a copy in Word?  Email us at and just ask, we're happy to help.

Applying the Government's Essential Workers Leave Scheme - April 7 2020

Making sure Essential Workers are not disadvantaged is at the hear of this recently announced Essential Workers Leave Scheme.  For an outline of the scheme, useful links and some frequently asked implementation questions take a look at the attached from the team at P4S Consulting

COVID19 Business & Team Member Impacts - March 30 2020

For general guidance on the impacts of COVID19 and in particular the Government's Wage Subsidy Scheme, COVID Leave (now withdrawn) and managing redundancy and change


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