Make time to Reconnect

We’re constantly dealing with people under all sorts of unhealthy stress and pressure, and we see the impact that is having…it’s Mental Health Awareness week, and we’re right behind this year’s theme of RECONNECT.  

For our farming friends and clients in particular, who often have physical isolation on top of the pressures they’re feeling, it’s especially important to Reconnect – with the people and places that lift you up.

There’s a whole lot of good information out there, we’ve got some links here to some of our favourite ….

One of Fonterra’s ‘Our Whanau, Our Stories’ series is on the totally inspirational Felicity Clark

Take a moment for your wellbeing from Southern Cross, which is a collection of articles that have really struck a note with us

Reconnect, the Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW) official page

The business.govt website has some great tools and resources to help you & your team.


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