Great Citizen Moments…

Some shout outs to people making a difference, big and small

We really liked this $3m pledge from A2 Milk to Carona Virus research and relief – Good on yah!

Amid the rush into Christmas the NZ Primary Sector Council unveiled their vision for the future of New Zealands Primary Industries:  Fit for a Better World, establishes an anchor for strategy and investment for NZ’s primary industries.   The vision embraces the Māori concept of Taiao, which describes a deep relationship of respect and reciprocity with the natural world.  For all of us involved in primary sector businesses it’s important to understand this vision, get behind it and see how we can incorporate these strategies into our business and add value for the future.  Read more at

Trish Rankin, 2019 Fonterra Dairy Woman of the Year keeping it real with the opportunities that abound for NZ as a global premium player following her visit to Harvard University…definitely worth a read!


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